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about us

We are a successful & sustainable consulting

We are a group of investors specialized in the development and management of strategic projects of all kinds. The company has worked to build cooperative relationships with successful partners from various developed countries in all activities. We partner with exceptional entrepreneurs and businesses to create opportunities for job growth to build economies worldwide through innovation. Kings Valley Investments is one of the most active MENA region VC and strategic partner firms.

Doctor Consultant 
Abdel Fattah AlSayed Ali
Chief Legal Consultant & Founder


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developing your business

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      Feel free to get in touch

      Our office is open Monday to Friday, from 8AM to 4PM, we answer emails within 24 hour on a business day.

      • Cairo, EG
        19 Dr Hasan Ibrahim, Al Mintaqah As Sadisah, Nasr City, Cairo Governate, 4450342, Egypt